From Fear to Flow: Transforming Your Performance Energy

Whether you're under stage lights, leading a meeting, or sitting across from a first date, there's that moment. You know the one. The spotlight hits, all eyes turn to you, and something shifts inside.

Your body speaks first. Maybe your face feels hot, your mouth turns to sandpaper, and your breath gets choppy. Your heart pounds like it's trying to escape. If you're not used to these feelings, your brain might scream "DANGER!" Your body's ancient wisdom kicks in: freeze, run, or shrink away.

But what if you could make a different choice?

Next time you feel that rush, try this: Take one DEEEEEP, DEEP breath. Tell yourself: "I'm not scared - I'm excited!" All that extra energy? It's fuel for your moment. Let it flow from your toes to your fingertips. Give yourself permission to shimmy-shake it out for a few seconds. Then take another DEEEEEP, DEEP breath.

Think back to how you got here. Did you practice your words until they felt natural? Think about how you'll move and speak? Connect with why you're really doing this? Go deeper - when you first said "yes" to this moment, what did you want to share? Were you hoping to express something beautiful, share an important message, or be truly seen?

Ask yourself: Are you performing to prove something, or to express something true about yourself? In that work presentation, are you chasing a raise, or sharing a project you believe in? On that date, are you worried about being judged, or curious about the person across from you?

When you show up for any kind of performance, two things matter most. First, know your truth - are you there on purpose? What are your real intentions? What matters most to you? Second, listen to your body - what are you feeling right now? How are you choosing to understand those feelings? Are you remembering to breathe?

Here's a simple truth: The same feelings that can sink us can lift us up - it's often just a matter of breathing. With a full breath, fear can transform into excitement, tears can become joy. (And no, this isn't about pushing away real grief or loss - this is about those moments when we get to choose how to show up.)

Remember: Your body's signals aren't your enemy. They're energy waiting to be channeled into something powerful. All you have to do is breathe, choose your story, and let yourself shine.

Those flutter-feelings before a big moment? After years of performance experience, I know them well. They don't go away - and honestly, that's not the goal. Instead, they become familiar friends, offering energy we can channel into something powerful.

If you're tired of shrinking when the spotlight hits, if you want to feel solid in your skin when all eyes turn to you - let's talk. I've been there, I get it, and if you’re ready we can work toward transforming that nervous energy into a more authentic presence.

Ready to show up more fully? Schedule a Discovery Call. Let's explore how we can work together to help you shine in those spotlight moments.


Both/And - Embracing Duality


Curiosity and Connection