How We Grow

Every pattern in your life is there for a reason. Those habits, reactions, and ways of being? They got you through something. They helped you survive tough times. Maybe they protected you when things weren't safe. Those parts of you deserve some respect, even as you outgrow them.

I discovered this truth through my own journey. After years of hard work to become an opera singer, I finally started performing lead roles I'd always dreamed of. I'd put everything into this path - the training, the sacrifice, the dedication. But even as I was living what should have been my dream, I felt unhappy and disconnected inside. Success on paper didn't match how I felt in my body.

Meeting my first coach nine years ago woke me up to something profound: the huge gap between achieving external goals and actually feeling fulfilled. That hit home hard.

This kicked off a journey of asking not just "What am I doing?" but "How am I being while I'm doing it?" Through coaching, I learned to move forward even when scared, and to catch myself when I was stuck in old stories instead of seeing what was actually happening now.

I went on to train with NewField Network in Ontological Coaching because I wanted to understand how real change sticks. I discovered that lasting change isn't about to-do lists or willpower. It's about working with your whole self - your body sensations, your emotions, your beliefs, and the stories you live by. They're all connected.

My Approach

I don't see patterns that need fixing - I see a whole person ready for something different. I won't pretend you're perfect, and I won't treat you like you're broken.

Together, we'll explore how you can show up differently while honoring how you got here. We'll look at what happens in your body when you talk about certain things. We'll notice the emotions that come up and what they're trying to tell you. We'll unpack the stories you've been living by without even knowing it.

My own daily practice isn't perfect. It's about showing up and paying attention. Taking life moment by moment. Being gentle with myself when I mess up.

If you're ready for change that respects all of who you are - the messy parts, the strong parts, all of it - let's talk.

Let’s Begin